Biller Integration

Biller Integration – a system that provides an API for interaction with external information systems, billing systems, service providers, agent banks and other participants in the process of accepting and delivering payments..

Biller Integration

Biller Integration – a system that provides an API for interaction with external information systems, billing systems, service providers, agent banks and other participants in the process of accepting and delivering payments..

Frame 6-BillerIntegration_1
For Bank

The service provides an API for accepting payments in agent banks and provides the following functions:

  • provides the base of contracts to the agent bank for accepting payments;
  • ensures withdrawal and distribution of commission income for accepting payments;
  • provides an API for payment acceptance operations;
  • supports gateway operation 24/7;
    processes and sends payments, sends registers for payment recipients;
  • provides invoices for the transfer of funds from the agent bank for accepted payments;
  • provides information for the bank-agent on accepted payments for control and mutual settlements.
For Provider

The main function of the service is to support communication with providers in off-line or on-line mode to provide information about the debt of payers (consumers of services), support of information transactions between participants of payment acceptance.
Main purpose:

  • Obtaining data on debts of consumers of services from suppliers.
  • Data transfer to billing and information systems of suppliers about accepted payments.
  • Integration interaction logging.
For Customer

The main function of the service is to ensure the acceptance of payments through WEB-banking and mobile banking systems with the support of online communication with service providers, information transactions and data exchange:

  • Obtaining data on subscribers’ debts.
  • Data transfer to billing and information systems about accepted payments.
  • Integration Protocol.



interaction service with service providers

interaction service with mobile and Web applications

interaction service with agent banks

interaction service with service providers

interaction service with mobile and Web applications

interaction service with agent banks


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